
May festivities in Peru and the Otter Festival

Peru is enjoying a May full of festivities. If you feel like dancing to the most traditional rituals in Ayacucho, travelling over beautiful landscapes with pilgrimages to Pascoor or submerging into deepest Peruvian culture in Tumbes, May is the perfect chance!

From the third week of May you will also be able to enjoy the II Festival Iternacional del Lobo de Rio that Tambopata celebrates in order to promote the protection of these beautiful native otters, the “lobo de rio”.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz5Xd7fdkL4&w=640&h=480]

From  Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica you can take a 30-minute boat ride to the Tambopata National Reserve and enjoy its beautiful wildlife surroundings on a one and a half hour walk to reach Lake Sandoval. Enjoy a canoe cruise across the placid lake where you’ll spot not only otters, but caiman, wild birds, turtles and more…

Check online for more info of the festivities.

Featured Image (c) Ben Illis – www.benillis.com
